Saturday, 29 June 2013


Okay, here's what I don't like about "the real world".


Suddenly, there are so many ridiculous reasons for why I can't go hike the woods, paint a blank canvas, or read a fine novel. I have to fold my laundry. I need to pick up the house. I have to organize the pantry. I need to drive back and forth to work. I'm tired from work. I haven't eaten yet. I can't stay up too late. I have nobody to go with. I have lists to write out of things I need to do.

Somehow while I was in college, taking twenty-two credit hours a semester, writing papers, meeting groups, finishing up massage school, writing in my blog, baking, going to yoga, and riding my bike everywhere-- I also fit in time to hike, paint, and read. Because I like it. It's nice. I created time to do what I love. I guess I just don't do that anymore.

I spend a lot of valuable time with people that I love though. That, I do very well.

So there is one difference between college-time and post-college-real-world... I'm no longer alone. I don't spend my full days on my independent schedule which only revolved around some classes and meetings, where every other moment was mine and mine to do with. Now, I choose to share my time with people that I love. And then I fill up my free time with things that I haven't been doing, which is usually chores.

What I need to do now is this: be intentional with everything.
Make my time count for something (non-monetary).
Toss in the occasional paint session or go kayak on my way home from work.
Make it happen because no one is going to do the fun things in my life for me.

In that intentionality, I will hopefully find more freedom.
Because, although I want to be able to make intentional time to the kitschy things that I love to do, I also want to intentionally make time to create a good life for myself. I have been thinking of opening up a fitness studio, and that is going to take a heaping ton of effort and time for years to come. If I can't make my time work for me now, how am I going to accomplish a task such as a small business? This girl has to get her booty in gear and step into the real world with eyes wide open, heart to the Lord, and intentionality in her feet.

song: "Take Care" -- City and Colour

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